The most notable consensus
that has emerged from the aftermath of the war on terror, is the willingness to
throw money at a problem that has never been defined with precision. This
attitude may not be shared with all the public, but the professional class of
politicians and bureaucrats are walking in lock step to the beat of the same
drummer. The power that is dispensed from governments, is so often based upon their ability to spend public funds, on programs of their grand design. Has anyone heard where all this money to save the world, is going to come from?
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Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
With the shift in global alliances, we have a situation that is both fluid and basic in its nature. Countries only have interests. Friends are better found in pets. If the contention is that Bush blow a deal, who ever said there was a pact to be made? Russia has emerged after the terror of the better part of a century as a country who needs friends more than additional enemies. The reason that Russia will cozy up to the West is that they have no where else to turn. Their geography dictates that her borders can never be secure from the threat of what is perceived as Islamic fundamentalism and Chinese expansionism.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014
When government policy is based upon projections of future income from tax revenue, the consequences of reality will always disrupt the best of plans. With the downturn of the economy over that last several months, and the tragic events of 911, we have entered into a new dimension of fiscal retraction. Should anyone be surprised that promises of 'milk and honey' from politicians always come up short? The disease of excess expectations is non partisan. It consumes all parties and in most cases, afflicts every ideology. The reason is simple! Politicians need to appeal to the public for support.
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014
At the core of the
undisguised advocacy of dependency, you have beggars who can't prosper on their
own guile and wits. Without the patronage of their 'Big Brother', they are
relegated into a condition of insecurity. Economic reality is reducible in the
willingness to buy and sell. Confidence is a state of mind and expectation that
if you spend today, you will be able to earn more tomorrow. For folks like the
'bad seed', they interpret this axiom as being assured that the post office will
be able to deliver their welfare check. Who said that there was no benefit to
the government's growth industry, IPO; inspection powder operation?
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Monday, May 26, 2014
We all heard that the first causality in war is truth. So why should we be surprised that the coverage of the Afghan 'police action' is being told from the podium of government press conferences? Where is Dan Rather, crawling on his stomach in local garb? Yes we are watching those video camera spots that look like a bad edit after an all night party. But are we really getting the real story? Of course not is the answer that you can always rely upon, when in doubt.
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Friday, May 23, 2014
Well, here we go
again! Invoking the Interstate Commerce Act as authority to create another
incompetent federal agency is like giving candy to the FAA diabetic. Never met a
Union I didn't love is the motto of the 'bad seed'. Remember PATCO, Jimmie? That
stellar example of collective bargaining that got fined, $34 million, out of
existence. Or is your memory confined just to counting sick and personal days in
your union contract?
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Thursday, May 22, 2014
It is acknowledged
by the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise that Zionism is a national
movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. Jewish
sovereignty in the Land of Israel is the goal, leaving open the tangible, as
well as, spiritual aims. Grounds for opposing this vision are claims that
Zionism is a secular non-Jewish movement or that it is not true to the teaching
of the Torah. With this as background, it should be taken as a given that
Zionism is not a substitute term for Jews, as individuals or as a people. It is
a movement with a political goal, that takes the form of Israeli Policy.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014
An authentic Conservative does NOT want to maintain this status quo. Becoming a
radical revolutionary is a virtue, if the means are moral and the goal is just.
The evil that you fear abroad, is less dangerous than that which will follow
when you willingly relinquish your rights and their few remaining protections.
When all the dust settles, the only victor will be the tyrant. That superstate
which uses that nuclear option, might just be your own. The madness in this row
is on the verge of becoming uncontrollable.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014
In the aftermath of
recent events, it almost seems futile to examine the legitimacy for using force
to impose policy in world affairs. Those who were thought to be intelligent and
rational friends, have marched in lockstep to the calls for retribution.
Conservatives and neoconservatives alike are questioning those of us on the
Right that dare raise the issue of restraint and common sense. And few are in
the mood to search their convictions and beliefs and question their unanimity of
support for the military retaliation. Can anyone still refuse to accept that our shared human nature is fallen, and that our insistence upon the use of force to compel compliance is the manifestation of man's evil choosing?
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Monday, May 19, 2014
The reason that ultimate peace is impossible, is the simple reality that all
parties don't want it. Every regime in the Arab world runs the risk of internal
subversion from terrorists. Pakistan has a record of 'coup of the month', and
the U.S. demands that they become an ally? The West is perceived as the tool of
the Zionist. Israel looks upon themselves as the fifty-first state with veto
power. Islam wants the West to respect their religion and not pervert their
culture. The Oil Corporations need black gold to keep flowing. And the American
public wants the NFL to play on Sunday. At the core of terrorism is the desire to destroy the economy, institutions and culture of States that are viewed as ultimate EVIL, from the diseased minds of committed fanatics. Hatred is their shared value. It is hard to envision that the world community has as their objective, the elimination of the reasons that breed people, who's purpose in life is to commit an act of genocide.
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Friday, May 16, 2014
The core reasoning for intrusive intervention into the affairs of Free Men is the false notion that Altruism is a desired goal for society to implement. The proponents of the use of coercive force to impose their vision of a benevolent society require a moral basis for their demands of conformity. Their attempt to interject a culture of altruistic compassion as the substitute for personal responsibility is central to their model for a compliant society. Belief in their doctrine is a required necessity to coexist in their paradise of social equality. Tolerance exists only for those who accept allegiance to the tenants of multiculturalism.
Communists want total obedience to their dogma. Collectivists demand subornation to the specter of society's goals. Fascists impose loyalty for government decrees. Statists require supremacy of the ruling dominion. Socialists accept incremental surrender to state jurisdiction. Plutocrats rule for the benefit of the few. Monarchists enforce the will of one. And Social Democrats proclaim the emotions of the mob. All have in common the willingness to compel compliance UPON individuals.
Communists want total obedience to their dogma. Collectivists demand subornation to the specter of society's goals. Fascists impose loyalty for government decrees. Statists require supremacy of the ruling dominion. Socialists accept incremental surrender to state jurisdiction. Plutocrats rule for the benefit of the few. Monarchists enforce the will of one. And Social Democrats proclaim the emotions of the mob. All have in common the willingness to compel compliance UPON individuals.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Being a fervent foe of the Corporate model does not mean that I support union
idiocy and their devotion to thuggery. Quite the contrary, only sound business
principles will solve the false dichotomy that the simpleton puts forth as an
inevitable conflict between management and labor. Corporate syndicates and Union
régimes are two sides of the same coin. They have more in common with organized
crime, than genuine commerce.
As with most discussions about topics of diversion, the elite's benefit from the creation of ongoing conflict, so that the central issues will continue to be ignored. The character of business is simple; but is not taught, nor is it understood by the public. Commerce is based upon decisions to buy or sell. Each person has choices to enter or retire from this arena.
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As with most discussions about topics of diversion, the elite's benefit from the creation of ongoing conflict, so that the central issues will continue to be ignored. The character of business is simple; but is not taught, nor is it understood by the public. Commerce is based upon decisions to buy or sell. Each person has choices to enter or retire from this arena.
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Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Perception is real to most of the public, while authenticity of deeds is often shaded with spin and misdirection. Images are projected and distorted as the battle to present your views, and paint those of your opponent, are waged. The war to win the minds and souls of the People, is more like selling soap in the mass media, than a lesson in high discourse. Actions are the test of identity, while rhetoric is the medium for distortion.
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Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Stem Cells
It is an unmitigated LIE to continue to repeat that Science, (translated:
inquiry concluded, for the 'true believer'), has agreed that embryonic stem
cells are the BEST source for tissue-regeneration research. The argument for the
proponents of Federal involvement rest totally upon this false premise. "Simply
put there are many sources for stem cells and they are just as effective as
those harvested from living human embryos - a fact either ignored by the
kill-the-embryos crowd or unknown to them. They are found throughout the body,
Fumento reveals, and scientists are converting them into an incredible array of
mature cells with the ability to combat a vast number of devastating diseases
and injuries."
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Monday, May 12, 2014
Yes, the Democrat is the enemy! A state of war exists and any notion of partisan
cooperation with those who want to destroy you, your values, and our Nation; is
absurd and fatal. For those who are duped into accepting the scam of the
Democrat, you are the fool. As for those who work for their advancement, you are
the betrayer. And power brokers within their ranks are fledgling Wormwood
pupils, to a Screwtape from Hades. Read C S Lewis, you need to discover your
soul . . .
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Friday, May 9, 2014
To comprehend the
nature of national defense, you must be able to understand the forces that rule
American policy and government. Foreign Policy has been hijacked for well over a
century by elements of Elite's that endorse an Internationalist interventionism
for the United States. This is a fact that cannot be denied. The relevant
question has always been who benefits from this course? Attempts to answer this
question within the confines of the popular political party distinctions is
futile. Looking to explain foreign policy from the military industrial complex
venue, also leave you with voids in analysis.
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
The subject of
medical reform and HMO's is one area where people of 'good will' can have valid
differences. But those views may still not provide the solution that seems so
illusive to develop. Profit is good in business. But is medicine really a
business and should the normal rules of the market apply in the same manner?
Current legislation avoids the central issues. Let us agree that the goal is
quality of service, proven methods of diagnosis and treatment, value in costs,
and widespread availability. A single payer system can never satisfy these
requirements. A lesson from another era, seems to have been lost, and may well
be the cure we are looking for. A physician has traditionally been in
practice as an independent venture. Pay for service, supplemented with
individual insurance was the standard. HMO's developed out of a need to curb
spiraling costs and were formed as profit centers. Most businessmen dread
administrative duties.
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Only the most tortured sophist would argue that a flawed treaty will cause compliance within the Asian Tiger region. Kyoto is one more move for global governance. The goal is much less saving the
environment, than controlling the world economy. If those who are consumed with
the spotted owl are serious, let them compel the elite's who devise these 'risky
schemes' to give up their limousines and start riding bicycles. The day this
happens, I will stop burning my wood in the stove and wear an extra Jimmy Carter
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Tuesday, May 6, 2014
In the heat of recent judicial confirmations, the prospects that a litmus test for political ideological purity is the overriding standard, has finally been verbalized. Some may fear that this will politicize the judiciary. For those weak knee and spineless neophytes of the real politik, it is time that you face reality that the federal judge is a politician. The notion that the judiciary is above politics is lunacy. The pretense that has been fostered that lifetime appointments allow for independence is as inaccurate as saying that a jury is bound to follow the instructions of a judge. People need to deal with reality, and discard pious versions of a fairy tale.
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Monday, May 5, 2014
The 'Lefty' not only slights logic, now it turns to taking license with the meaning of language. American First DOES NOT abandon being in the world. It has always fostered a strong defense of American soil, but rejects establishing that every corner of the globe, constitutes US property or is in her interest. Sure arrogance and hubris to defy that other nations might act in their own self interest. My question is simply, when will America starting acting in such fashion? The Soviet Empire was built because of the war time aid to Stalin and a willingness to allow the theft of Eastern Europe. The 'Grand Patriotic War' was about creating an empire, just as much as fighting Hitler.
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Friday, May 2, 2014
Campaign Reform
At the outset, let us all be realistic and admit that very few politicians seek serious Campaign Finance Reform. The incumbents have such a distinct advantage to an unknown challenger that those in power have every incentive to maintain the current system. So what is all this commotion about a 'so called' reform? Well, as most efforts for renovation, the design of the fundamental foundation is ignored and the facade is only altered. McCain-Fiengold has been discussed at length, with most of the criticism that it will restrict Free Speech, and therefore, will be struck down as unconstitutional. Critiquing this bill is useless since this proposal is not a thoughtful attempt for real reform. It strictly distorts the debate and creates a reason to oppose an earnest change in a system that everyone knows is flawed.
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Thursday, May 1, 2014
Social Security
Social Security is assessed on employee wages and an equal amount, paid by the employer. These funds go to pay monthly remittance to existing recipients. These deductions are a TAX. No money is segregated into an individual account that is invested for the individual. In the real world, this concept is known as a Ponzi Scheme, which is a Fraud and is a criminal act. Those are the facts which are indisputable. The Social Swindle system is insolvent, and has been unfunded for generations. There are no funds, nor are there any IOU monies that are available to meet future obligations. Only future taxes from a static work force in real earnings, will pay for increased recipients who are living much longer. The system is bankrupt. Only the ignorance of the public is greater than the bang when the bubble busts. The ultimate result will be a diminished purchasing value, that we all will suffer.
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